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February 28, 2005


Marjo M

i've a friend who runs one of these small businesses- david and goliath, what have you.

the price is hard... many people look at these smaller retailers and think that they should just lower their prices to compete.

but you're talking expensive small group health plans-- not to mention the fact that bigger stores like Walmart get massive price breaks on the same merchandise that a smaller merchant pays more to market value.

you know what he always says? sounds too simple, really. ya can help, even if you don't buy there. spread the word about the store. i guess to whomever will listen, lol...

i betcha there are doctorates being written around walmart's de-culturalization of america and beyond.

hehe... diarrhea of the mouth...

I feel you on this post, Darlin. I'm almost afraid to leave this city because I like not being ABLE to seek out the big C's for my needs.

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