So, my plan worked. After work, Lady and I hopped in her car and drove up to see Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising Tour.
There was a good amount of W supporters outside. One huge W04 banner dominated the scene along with two idiots dressed as flip flops.
Do they look at themselves when they go out like that? I hope that they are a couple, because they certainly deserve each other and I really don't think that a non foam flipflop dressing person could go out with a foam flipflop dressing person.
The crowd inside wasn't what I expcted. The place was half empty. I don't know who's to blame about that one. I didn't know about this thing until 2 days ago. I'm not sure if this was a planned event. I mean planned well ahead of time. I think this was more of a last minute addition to their tour. Does anyone know? I don't recall seeing Philly on the initial tour route, but I've been wrong before. All of the pics I took inside were crap. It was too dark and my flash was not strong enough.
Moore brought up Abdul Henderson, the Marine who, in Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 said that he would not go back to Iraq if called upon to do so. He spoke for a few minutes and then another speaker came up. It was Michael Hoffman. I believe he was an Army soldier who had done a tour in Iraq. He is now back in the States telling people the real story of what is going on there. He was a great speaker. Too young.
Finally there was a mother of a soldier who died in Iraq. I hate that these parents get up and speak at these events because they shouldn't have to. Their sons and daughters had no real reason to be over there fighting. This is not a private army to be sent overseas and fight for a dictator's stake in oil fields. The crowd was behind the soldiers and the mother 100% and for that I was very happy. It's not them we're angry at, it's W and his lies.