Also, this place is right up the block, on 16th St, from me, about a block closer to work! I'm sad to be leaving this great place with its great deck, but a deck won't be of much use to me in the coming winter months. Maybe another time I'll be able to live in that penthouse with a gigantic deck. I may have to keep living in Illy for awhile until I can afford one because I sure as hell won't ever be able to afford one in NYC.
Did everyone watch the DNC? Bill Clinton's speech made me remember the good ol' days when we had an intelligent, intelligible and able leader. Not this idiot Dubya with his puppeteer Dick. Get out the vote, go out and vote. When there is larger turnout, Democrats win. When women vote, Democrats win. Vote! My vote, in this swing state of Pennsylvania counts a lot and I'm sure as hell not going to sqander it. Nothing short of contracting the Bubonic Plague is gonna stop my ass from voting for the Johns.
This coming weekend is the big trip to DC to see off 80oz. as he gets ready to go back to school, back to school up in GORGEous Ithaca, NY at Cornell's Restaurant Management graduate school. I think I got that right. He's all growns up now and he's headed back to school to date girles for 3-4 months at a time. I wish his ass well.